Love them. Mean it.
People who want to make more of a genuine impact won’t stand for superficial, cosmetic definitions of branding.
To stand apart, they know they’ve got to stand up, both for their customers and for what truly matters. So, I help them get focused on my 4 P’s of enduring brand success:
Position & message are the two most powerful tools of leverage anybody will ever have. Unfortunately, they are widely misunderstood and massively underutilized. Different than other branding consultants and branding agencies, around here, it’s Position & Message, front and center. It’s Position & Message, for the win.
Strike at the very heart of Customer Creation
When you know you’re sitting on untapped potential… when getting your vision across is priority Numero Uno… Message-Centric Branding® digs deeper into the core of your customer: company overlaps. So you can build the seeds of resonance into your very foundation. So you can be a stronger connector.